Home People Team Member

Selina Liang, BA, MA


Sector: Municipal Finance

905-272-3600 ext. 227

Click here to view Selina Liang's CV


Selina joined Watson's municipal finance group in 2024 with a strong background in Economics and Data Analytics.  She works primarily in the areas of municipal finance, development charges, and water/wastewater rate studies.

Selina holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Criminology, and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Toronto.

Prior to joining Watson, Selina worked in the non-profit sector, where she leveraged her economics background to support youth in British Columbia and Ontario.  She also worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Toronto, where she conducted weekly tutorials and provided office hours to support undergraduate students in the Economics Department.

Selina grew up in Richmond, British Columbia, and moved to Toronto in 2018 to attend school.  She now resides in the Liberty Village area and enjoys exploring new cafes and restaurants in the city.
