Josh Valenti, BSc. (Hons), GIS (PG)
Senior Project Coordinator
Sector: Education, Planning & Land Economics
Click here to view Josh Valenti's CV
At Watson, Josh primarily supports the areas of school board planning and accommodation, demographic forecasting and growth management studies.
Prior to joining Watson in 2017, Josh completed the Geographic Information Systems: Geospatial Management post-graduate program at Niagara College. He also holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Physical Geography from Brock University.
After completing these programs, Josh worked as an Analyst at Urban and Environmental Management Inc. as part of the Asset Management team.
His strong experience in spatial analysis and data management techniques makes Josh a valuable asset to Watson and our clients.
Josh calls Hamilton home. He loves living there because of the good food and even better people.
- Business cases
- Education financial and capital planning
- Pupil accommodation reviews
- Education development charges
- EDC growth forecasts
- Employment lands strategies
- Enrolment projections and demographic studies
- Growth management studies
- Intensification studies
- Municipal competitiveness
- Municipal comprehensive reviews
- Office market studies
- Official Plan reviews
- Retail market studies
- Secondary Plan growth forecasts
- Ward boundary reviews
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